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BAPEPAM - LK - (Indonesian Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency) is the capital markets agency of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), acts as a supervisory agency for all capital market participants including stock exchanges (currently JSX and SSX), PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (PT KPEI) - the successor of KDEI (see the Central depository section), PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (PT KSEI), brokers, and custodian banks. It also approves listings on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX). BAPEPAM-LK is also responsible for issuing custodial bank licenses.

Ministry of Finance (MoF) - The MoF has the ultimate responsibility for regulating the capital market industry through BAPEPAM-LK. MoF merged Bapepam with the Directorate of Financial Institution (DJLK), (which oversees insurance, multi finance and pension fund industries), in October, 2005. The applicable short name is now Bapepam-LK.

Bank Indonesia (BI) - Central Bank - BI is an independent body reporting directly to the House of Representatives. It provides currency control and supervises the banking sector in Indonesia. Settlement of government debt instruments and Certificate Bank Indonesia is conducted by BI through its Scripless Settlement Securities System (BI - SSSS).

PT Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) - The BEJ, a private company, took over the day-to-day administration of the previous JSX in 1992. It is now a main stock exchange, which monitors trading, settlement, and listed companies’ compliance with its regulations. It also receives corporate action notifications from companies and announces them to the market.

PT KPEI - A limited liability company, which has obtained a business license from BAPEPAM as a clearing and guarantee institution to provide services in clearing and stock exchange transactions settlement guarantee. KPEI is owned by JSX (90%) and SSX (10%).

PT KSEI - A private limited liability company, which has obtained a license from BAPEPAM to conduct central depository activities.